The Kingdom of God Has No Borders


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The Dove Chronicles II

Recently, I shared about the doves of the Lord, using the following scripture: Isa 60:8  Who are these that fly as a cloud, and...

The Dove Chronicles I

Hi, Beloved remnant of the Lord. For many weeks, the Spirit has been bringing the following scripture to mind: Isa 60:8  Who are these...

Fix Your eyes on My Face

This morning I was just meditating, resting in His presence and I was reminded of a vision and word I had many seasons...

The Fire-Starters – Part 3

As I mentioned in part 1 and 2 of this series, the sperm carries the DNA of the Father, His sound and revelation...

The Fire-Starters – Part 2

For God so loved the world that He sent His only-begotten Son... and now it is the same fiery jealous love that causes...

The Fire-Starters – Part 1

Since I released the Book of End-Time Fire, the Spirit has not left this subject in my daily time with Him. The fire of...