The Kingdom of God Has No Borders


Fresh Oil Releases

I have written since the time I could hold a pencil, and since 2006, have been publishing articles under the Lord’s direction, using the ‘Fresh Oil Releases’ banner. I have always had a passion for the preparation of the Bride of Christ. Seeing with a prophetic eye can be challenging. Often one is shown scenes and messages that seem so imminent and close at hand, but unless God adds a timestamp to the message, we really have no clue as to when it will unfold. God showed Isaiah and the other prophets of the Old Testament some things that have yet to happen many centuries after their deaths. Understanding of the times in order to share with people what they ought to do is desperately needed in the Body of Christ. Perhaps it is pivotal to grasp that the word ‘times’ denotes a period, a season, a chapter, rather than the day and the hour. Yet, my earnest desire is to be found faithful, a bond-servant who is handing out meals at the right time as Matthew, 24:45 describes. No-one wants to be served morning tea when it is time for the evening meal. Help me, Jesus, to release the right food at the right time and keep me in step with Your Spirit.

Behold He Comes

As we head toward the end of the year, I just want to share a couple of things with you. I am sure...

Whirlwind of Light

This message is an excerpt from my Book of End-time Light. I had a vision during worship which I sense I must share....

Father Speaks…

"Sit now. There is much to discuss. Be not busy about many things right now. Sit at My feet. Still your heart and...

The Dove Chronicles II

Recently, I shared about the doves of the Lord, using the following scripture: Isa 60:8  Who are these that fly as a cloud, and...

The Dove Chronicles I

Hi, Beloved remnant of the Lord. For many weeks, the Spirit has been bringing the following scripture to mind: Isa 60:8  Who are these...

Fix Your eyes on My Face

This morning I was just meditating, resting in His presence and I was reminded of a vision and word I had many seasons...

Sought Out and Sent

Dear friends, I would like to share a vision I received during worship last week. I saw the heavens open; it appeared as...

Overturned and Replaced

In my last message, we saw how the kingly anointing of Jehu was released to deal with Jezebel and her witchcraft. We saw how...