The Kingdom of God Has No Borders


The Fire-Starters – Part 3

The Fire-Starters – Part 3

[29/05/19] As I mentioned in part 1 and 2 of this series, the sperm carries the DNA of the Father, His sound and revelation truth needed to conceive or trigger the formation in the earth of God’s end-time plans. Those who have a rudimentary knowledge of genetics from their school days will understand that when the ovum and sperm join, there are dominant genes which override the information of recessive genes for the same characteristic. For example, the gene for brown eyes is dominant over the gene for blue eyes. When the sperm and ovum fuse, the blue eye color gene will be silenced and the gene for brown eyes will ‘speak’ or release its sound in order to bring forth a brown-eyed child.  As we discuss this in spiritual terms, the DNA revelation of God carried by the sperm/sons of God will always be dominant over any resident spiritual DNA from past seasons. God brings His sons, carrying freshly transcribed revelation from before the face of the Father, in order to overwrite and profoundly change the form of what is being brought forth into the earth in the days ahead.

Just as the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived a heavenly plan, so too, the fiery seed of God presently being prepared to be released into the earth carry the heavenly genetics, what is written in the volume of the Book for this end-time Kingdom to come forth. We also see this pattern as Moses went alone to sit before the face of God and receive the heavenly blueprints, which he then carried to the people as clear instruction. Every detail of the building of the tabernacle and its furniture was released to him within the cloud. In effect, Moses was a type of ‘sperm’ being formed and imbued with the information and encoding necessary to bring forth the Father’s thoughts for the wilderness sojourn. The plans he carried and wrote down had not been seen in the earth before that time. They overwrote and superseded any previous way oof doing things for the people of God and, most importantly, they were released as a result of the marriage covenant the Israelites entered into with the Lord at Mount Sinai. The sperm is released from a place of intimacy once bridal covenant has been entered into. The people of God at Mount Sinai said, “All He has said, we will do” or as we say in modern wedding ceremonies, “I do”. Then Moses was called up to receive the tablets which God had engraved and the plans for the tabernacle in the wilderness. Once willing surrender and covenant has been entered into, then the DNA of the sperm/ messengers of fire can be transcribed in a face to face encounter and released to the Bride for conception to take place.

This transcribing is carried out by engraving upon the heart of the willing waiting, listening ones. Before we as messengers are a sound or a word released from His mouth, we are a thought conceived in the mind of God, whose structure contains the DNA instruction to bring forth all that His thought contains. John the Baptist described himself as a ‘voice’ crying in the wilderness. That Hebrew word for ‘voice’ also means ‘sound. John was a sound sent by the Holy Spirit to prepare the way.

When the Lord utters His voice before His army in Joel chapter two, this sound is engraving instruction upon their hearts. They each receive uniquely tailored instruction in order to keep marching shoulder to shoulder. None breaks rank. Each is fully submitted to manifesting the sound being engraved by the mouth of the Lord, and as they pass through the land, the fiery revelation light they carry changes the landscape forever and triggers illumination, conception and birthing in the people they come into contact with.

Jesus was the Pattern Son Who came forth bearing the Father’s words made flesh. He brought fresh understanding and revelation of what had been previously written and laid down. When Jesus came on the scene, John the Baptist knew his season of being the voice had come to an end. He had prepared the way with his sound. In a sense, his sound or DNA was recessive to the sound which Jesus the Son or seed brought and soon the sound of the former was muted and silenced by the dominant sound of the Son. Perhaps this helps you understand why John the Baptist had to lose his head. His sound had to be silenced so that the clear, unchallenged sound of the Son could be heard in the land. Messiah’s voice was needed to bring forth maximum expression. There could be no dual sound causing double-mindedness in the land. Just as when the silver trumpet released a clear sound in the wilderness so the people of God would know what to do, so too the fiery sons of God bring forth a sound which cannot be challenged by a previous season’s sound.

It is about image-bearing and being made or brought forth in His image. During the fusion of the sperm and ovum genetic strands, there is silencing of recessive DNA. Those bits that have potential to sound forth but would bring a less than perfect image or likeness of God’s intentions are switched off so that a clear sound can come forth. Disciples had to transition from following John to following Jesus. It is no use clinging to the old, the familiar, the known way of expression and doing. The sound of the Son is dominant over the sound of the previous season and that sound is about to be silenced. In a sense, the disciples who followed John were like a fully prepared waiting ovum, carrying the DNA of John’s teaching. That ovum of disciples had to fuse with the Seed and become disciples of the Son, because He was the One who would bring the kindling, the conception and triggering of their destinies in the Kingdom. John said that the sound he carried was unworthy or incapable of loosening the sandals of the Son. Sandals are connected to receiving of covenantal benefits. What this meant was that John’s teaching, the DNA he carried, could not unlock the Son covenant. His disciples had to move over and cleave to the Son, to the Seed or Word made flesh sent by the Father.

When sound waves are released into sand on top of a speaker, the sound waves move the sand grains into a pattern. In the same way, the words of the scroll which has been engraved upon the hearts of the sons move the grains of sand who are the seed of Abraham by faith. Separation and division between the grains of sand occurs, like grains grouping with like; ranks and divisions in a mighty end-time army. Separation and division of DNA strands within the cells of an embryo are the beginning process of multiplication and bringing forth the DNA instructions brought by the sperm.

Separating Out the Strange Fire Kindlers

I want to look deeper into the topic of the silencing of unwanted DNA as it pertains to the preparing of the end-time army of priests. Aaron had four sons who were ordained into the priesthood according to God’s instruction. During a full seven days of sanctification and setting apart, they were clothed and anointed and received the covering of the covenantal blood upon their right ears, thumbs and toes. So they experienced a double wedding or covenanting with God; once at Mount Sinai and then secondly a wedding to their ordained place and purpose in the Kingdom. Then they prepared and offered the sacrifices according to God’s express instruction and the glory of the Lord appeared, bringing heavenly fire to consume the burnt offering:

Lev 9:23  Moses and Aaron went into the Tent of Meeting, and when they came out they blessed the people, and the glory of the Lord [the Shekinah cloud] appeared to all the people [as promised]. Lev 9:24  Then there came a fire out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar; and when all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.

 Straight after the glory appeared, two of Aaron’s sons did the unthinkable. They got it into their heads to do something which hadn’t been instructed by God:

Lev 10:1  And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, and put incense on it, and offered strange and unholy fire before the Lord, as He had not commanded them. Lev 10:2  And there came forth fire from before the Lord and killed them, and they died before the Lord. Lev 10:3  Then Moses said to Aaron, This is what the Lord meant when He said, I [and My will, not their own] will be acknowledged as hallowed by those who come near Me, and before all the people I will be honored. And Aaron said nothing.

These two men leaned on their own understanding, being not fully submitted and not walking in the full fear of the Lord. They stepped out in presumption and it got them killed by the very same Source of fire that had just accepted and consumed the burnt offering. Herein is a very sober lesson for us as a priesthood which has been prepared and having received mantles and anointing during a full season of preparation: there are some among us whose sound will be silenced as the fire of God makes its entrance. Half of Aaron’s sons, his first and second-born were consumed and the DNA they carried removed from the earth because of the condition of their hearts.

The word translated ‘strange’ fire means ‘to commit adultery’. Adultery is an act of intimacy outside of covenantal boundaries. It is an act which introduces strange seed or DNA into the womb so that what is conceived does not carry the intended sperm and ovum to bring forth God’s plan in purity. When the fallen angels slept with the daughters of men, it was not just an act of unbridled lust, but a deliberate act on the part of satan and his dark angels to pollute the DNA of the human race which had been created in the image of God. That fallen angel genetic coding flowed down the generations, bringing darkness and demonic intention into the expression of God’s original blueprint. The seed of the serpent intermingled with the seed of Adam in an attempt to destroy the image completely and bring forth instead the image of the fallen one, Lucifer (the counterfeit light-bringer). His sin was pride and the desire to ascend above his God-appointed position. Nadab and Abihu also operated in pride and self-will. They assumed honor for themselves which had not been bestowed by God. They decided they would ascend and go higher than the metron appointed them; they promoted themselves to a ministry and function which was not theirs at that appointed time. They stepped out of God’s timing, falsely secure in their estimated position of privilege as priests of the Lord and God silenced them. Why was this severe action necessary? Why not just give them a stern warning? The key lies in the fact that their action constituted adultery. They offered adulterous fire. They kindled a plan from thoughts and instructions that had not originated with the One on the Throne.

What is important to note is that God decided that there would be no fruit brought forth from the DNA they carried. He wiped them out before they had the chance to multiply after their own kind in the earth. He stamped out the root of rebellion in the priesthood as soon as it manifested.

Num 3:4  But Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord when they offered strange fire before the Lord in the Wilderness of Sinai; and they had no children. So Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest’s office in the presence and under the supervision of Aaron their father.

The striking of a match head to set something alight is a precision strike. When the fiery messengers of God come on the scene and kindle a flame, Heaven has precise outcomes in mind. There is both the arrival of the glory and the acceptance of the Bridal burnt offering rightly laid out, but this also triggers the revealing of ‘hidden reefs’ amongst the ranks of professing set-apart ones (read about their character and removal in Jude 1). I see the consuming fire which came forth and killed Nadab and Abihu removed the enemy seed sown into the DNA of the Aaronic priesthood. The 3rd generation would be a pure expression as the tainted DNA had been removed by fire. Malachi 4 tells us that the wicked will be left with neither root nor branch.

Mal 4:1  for behold, the day comes that shall burn like an oven, and all the proud and arrogant, yes, and all that do wickedly and are lawless, shall be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.

In other words, all fruitfulness will cease as the fire deals with them. We are also told that angels will gather the tares sown amongst the wheat into bundles and throw them in the fire to be utterly consumed. Then the untainted, unmixed harvest can be gathered in.

We cry out for the glory of God and the baptism of fire to come but do we understand what we ask for? It was the coming of the glory of the Lord which triggered the expression of the hearts of Nadab and Abihu. Before that, their impurity of heart was hidden but waiting to express itself. All foreign DNA must be removed from the harvest field by a judgment of fire. This is why judgment must begin with God’s house. We can’t have it lurking in the wings and bringing forth seed after its own kind in the third generation. The consuming fire sent by God cleansed the Holy Place of unholy seed in Aaron’s day and once again, as the tabernacle in the wilderness is being set in order in these end-times, all unholy DNA carriers will be removed.

Malachi 3 speaks of the Lord coming suddenly to His house as a Refiner’s fire and a Fuller’s Soap. It is no coincidence that we are told that He will deal with the adulterer at this juncture;

Mal 3:5  Then I will draw near to you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against the false swearers, and against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, and who turn aside the temporary resident from his right and fear not Me, says the Lord of hosts.

This scripture encapsulates the sin of Nadab and Abihu. Sorcery is witchcraft and in God’s eyes, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Their rebellion to supreme Leadership brought judgment by fire upon their heads – and it was immediate. They were false swearers because they had been amongst the people of God at Mount Sinai entering with their mouths into a marriage covenant with God. They had also gone through the ordination of the priesthood, setting themselves apart as holy to the Lord and yet, they were not fully surrendered.

But where did this pride have a chance to enter their hearts? I believe it was because they were among the select few who were called a little way up the mountain and saw God and the sapphire pavement. They had been selected to have a spiritual experience that the general Body of Christ did not have and even though they were only worshipping from afar, they had still ascended above the general group of God’s people. They had eaten and drunk in God’s presence, something their other two brothers had not been granted to do at that point. This made them feel superior to their brothers Eleazer and Ithmar. They had been chosen… but somehow they thought it gave them privileges to act at will in the Holy Place. The fear of the God Who is a consuming fire was not resident in their hearts because they had lived to tell the tale of their encounter on the mountain. They found out otherwise when they stepped out to elevate themselves and extend their metron of influence without God’s express instruction.

Beloved, judgment is beginning at God’s House and even in the Holy Place amongst those consecrated and set-apart, there is coming a separation by fire. Search your heart for any vestige of pride or sense of privilege because of the experiences granted you by God. None of it was because of your own merit, so no man can boast. We are at the end of a long season of preparation, the mantles and the anointings have been allotted and the sacrifice has been laid in place according to God’s instruction. The time for the glory and the baptism of fire is at hand. It is coming suddenly as Malachi describes. Only those who tremble at His Word, who fear Him and move only at His command will make it through this next sifting by fire. Only the gold, silver and precious stones come through the fire unscathed and fire is coming to try every man’s work. We must face the fact that like Aaron’s family, some of us are going to see members of our own inner circle removed suddenly as the judgment of the Lord by fire comes. It is also important to note what God expects of us in this case:

Lev 10:6  And Moses said to Aaron and Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons [the father and brothers of the two priests whom God had slain for offering false fire], Do not uncover your heads or let your hair go loose or tear your clothes, lest you die [also] and lest God’s wrath should come upon all the congregation; but let your brethren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the Lord has kindled. Lev 10:7  And you shall not go out from the door of the Tent of Meeting, lest you die, for the Lord’s anointing oil is upon you. And they did according to Moses’ word.

Once the oil of anointing and consecration is upon us, we are set apart for the Lord’s work. We must remain in the Holy Place. We cannot enter into grief over relationships suddenly removed, or allow our emotions to rule our behavior. We are not our own. During the long season of preparation for priestly responsibility, all have had ample opportunity to search their hearts and repent accordingly. Know that God’s judgment is just and He only removes that which is unholy. We must be about our Father’s business and let the dead bury the dead. All DNA sound which would muddy the sound of His end-time army will be removed, excised, silenced and taken outside the camp.

Just as God instructed that all those who worshipped the golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai to be slaughtered, so too there is coming a separating and a cutting out of all DNA that produces idolatry, spiritual adultery and rebellion. That means all teachings that carry the DNA of doctrines of demons is going to be exposed and silenced, the vessels who have used their mouths to resound it to the Body of Christ exposed as false messengers and removed to outside the camp of true Christendom. The Light of the World will be a pure light, a city set on a hill, and not just any hill, the Mount Zion above, as those who are of the Church of the First-Born release a pure sound and pure light in a very dark time.

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