The Kingdom of God Has No Borders


Fix Your eyes on My Face

[23/05/20] This morning I was just meditating, resting in His presence and I was reminded of a vision and word I had many seasons ago of the Lord inviting His Bride to dance with Him.

The Lord showed me we have begun the endtime dance with the Bridegroom and we are held in his arms. But many of the Bridal saints are looking at the horizon over His shoulder and they see a cloud – a very dark cloud barrelling up on the horizon – it is a cloud whipped up by hoofbeats of war horses riding; of the enemy riding furiously towards them. Because they keep looking at the horizon, they lose their focus. And they start to get out of step with the Lord. And He is just saying, “fix your eyes on My face, fix your eyes on My face. Keep in step with Me. I am holding you fast and I will dance you right through this season in My embrace and I will dance you through the harvest field and safely home.

And I had just watched the woman dancing with the Bridegroom. And as she moved her eyes back on His face and away from what was looming on the horizon, her pulse started to slow down. She became aware of His hand in her back, guarding her back. She became aware of her other hand in His hand – He was holding her hand and leading her.

And as she becomes aware of how closely He’s holding her, of how beautiful His face is, she begins to hear the strains of the heavenly music. She begins to be able to flow in step with the Bridegroom and everything around them, everything on the horizon becomes ‘strangely dim’ – to quote the words of an ancient chorus; which says ‘turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And things of the earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace’. I just sense the Bridegroom saying to His Beloved,  “I’m holding you fast, I am leading you by My footsteps, by the guidance of My hand upon you and by the words of My mouth. Fix your eyes on Me because I will keep in perfect peace those whose eyes are stayed on Me”.

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