The Kingdom of God Has No Borders


Soldiers of the Lion

Soldiers of the Lion

On the 1st of September when I was participating in the End time Messengers of Fire Conference, I saw an open vision in which there was a large clock face. The hands displayed the time 11:50. Then the right index finger of God pushed the minute hand forward to point at the 12, so the clock time read 12 o’clock. At the same time, God’s left hand opened the lock of an underground vault but I could not see what was stored in that vault. The synchronizing of the two hand movements told me that God was changing the times (it is later than we think!) and this correction in the clocks of earth would signal the time to open this vault. At the time of receiving this vision, I also heard a scripture spoken audibly:

Daniel 2:21  He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding! Dan 2:22  He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him!

When God changes the season over the church, we need to be fully aware that it has happened, so that we can keep in step with the Spirit. The place where I saw this vision was a venue called the House of Bread. In Hebrew, the word for ‘bread’, lechem, also means ‘war’! By the moving of the clock and the changing of the time and season, He is declaring over His Body that it is no longer a time for sitting around feasting on the Bread of His Word. It is now a time to rise up, take your appointed end time position in the army of God and ride forth to war for Kingdom purposes to be accomplished.

That vault was underground, hidden, and speaks of God’s concealed plans being brought into the light as the clock strikes 12. It kind of made me think of God’s bottom drawer, in the sense of a bride having a bottom drawer where she stores things she will need after the wedding.

Later on that evening, the Spirit asked me, “Don’t you want to know what is in that vault?” Of course I did! “Those are My weapons of war, my finely honed and seasoned warriors, held in reserve for such a time as this. The enemy thinks that everything he has thrown at them has caused them to be put out of the race but he has only served to train them rigorously for My endtime strategy. All things that have come against them have worked together for their good as I am now bringing them out into the light as My special forces and unleashing them upon the enemy camp. The kingdom of darkness will quake in terror as My Dread Champions emerge! Each has been specifically trained and shaped for the endtime purpose I have for them and as I wield them in My strong right hand, many ancient gates will fall and captive long held in regions of darkness will be brought into the light and harvested to ride with My army.”

As I was contemplating the Lion of Judah roaring and the manchild company participating in that outpouring, I was reminded of a song released in 1982 by a prophetic psalmist. Chuck Gerard. It is called Soldiers of the Lion and the lyrics are profoundly prophetic for the season ahead. You can listen to it here (click on the title below) and I have included the lyrics below for those of you who don’t have access to youtube:

Soldiers of the Lion

The field is white and frosty, the hour is drawing near

The battle lines are being drawn as the hour of dawn appears

In the stillness of the morning, the air is crisp and charged

With the tension of the battle, and the enemy at large

The battlefield is crowded, but the soldiers here are few

Yet the enemy is held at bay, no weapon can get through

Our tiny band of warriors continue in our stand

And as new soldiers join us, we prepare to take the land

We form a line of conquest, like fire our armor shines

With unshakable advancement, we move against the lines

Our swords are drawn and ready, and our numbers grow each day

We’ll soon be fully strengthened and we’ll blow the troops away!


We’re the soldiers of the Lion, we’re the army of the light

The unstoppable battalion that drives away the night

And the Lion is our standard, and we know we cannot die

‘Cause the mighty name of Jesus is our sovereign battle cry

We move against the forces of the father of all lies

And the enemy is forced to flee before our very eyes

For no demon can resist us or begin to stand against

An army fully armored, no! Hell has no defense!

So look out powers of darkness, your hour has finally come

Our commander’s name is Jesus, and we’ve got you on the run

And we’ll charge you and we’ll route you

With the Spirit’s mighty sword

You’ve had this planet long enough,

You know you’re not our Lord!

So get back to outer darkness, and you leave the saints alone

Your weapons cannot prosper, we’re commissioned by the


I love the way the Spirit is putting all our separate puzzle pieces of understanding together in these days so we really can see the whole picture much more clearly. The second thing the Spirit is reminding me of as we discuss being soldiers of the Lion and the army of the Light is a series of articles I wrote, which is called Mighty Men Emerging (pdf).

More understanding has been given since the time I penned these original articles but if the Spirit is urging me to revisit them, then the Spirit is saying there may be some nuggets I need reminding of and perhaps there are one or two to add to your arsenal as well. He has changed the times and the season, friends. The season of training and preparation lies behind us, the time of war lies ahead. Our weapons are not carnal or fleshly. We wage war by the Word of our testimony and by loving not our lives unto death. My prayer is that He would quicken to you every portion of revelation you need to piece together your road map for the days ahead.

With love in Him,
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