The Kingdom of God Has No Borders


Ignited for Flight

Ignited for Flight

[12/04/19] This morning as I was sitting quietly before Him, the Lord said to me, “Listen, daughter” and I could hear nothing but noise pollution, a kind of static. He urged me to listen more deeply and as he said this, I saw a dark grey atmosphere and peering deeply into it, I finally saw shards of what looked like diamond shaped glass strung on a piece of thread.”What is it, Lord?” I asked. “It is a wind chime. Keep listening” and as I concentrated, I felt as if I was listening through a great depth of distance in the spirit. Finally, I heard a tiny sound of one piece of glass striking another. Then it happened again and again and I realized I was hearing the sound of the coming of the wind. The glass shards began to move more and more violently as the wind got closer and closer until they were tinkling incessantly.

Then I saw a mighty wind sweep through the porch of an old dilapidated house. It swept up the dead leaves that were lying around on the porch and tossed them away and then burst through the front door into a large empty hallway. As it did so, the strength of the wind knocked out some of the pieces of the staircase railing. I saw the walls of the house begin to crack at the impact of the wind’s strength and wondered if it was going to fall down. “Follow the wind,” the Lord instructed me and we went up those stairs to the upper floor. There was just one huge room there and the whole floor was covered with what looked like people curled up on their knees with their faces to the ground in a prayer position. They all seemed to be covered with white shrouds. There was no movement or sound in that room until the wind entered the area.

When I looked closer, I saw they were actually butterfly chrysalises. The mighty wind roared around the room touching each one and as it did so, a flame appeared on the top of each chrysalis. Then they all started rocking about as a result of something being awakened within and one by one, those within began to emerge from these chrysalises. I watched one in particular and the occupant stood on his feet in the form of a small boy and he stretched his arms in the air as a child does when it is awakened from sleep.

This boy had wings on his back and as they stretched out to form their full shape, the flame from the empty chrysalis ignited the wings and they became a set of double flames in deep orange and tipped with an almost indigo color. They were burning but not being consumed. I looked around the room and everyone who had emerged from their own individual shroud chrysalis was also a male boy child and all had a pair of flaming wings. The mighty wind was somehow hovering gently and lovingly over the company in this upper room almost like a hen brooding over her chicks and then when the last one was completely equipped with his set of fiery flame wings, it picked up speed, sweeping them all into its movement and burst through the ceiling.

I saw the tiles of the roof being tossed every which way as the mighty wind exited the building, carrying its precious cargo of fiery flaming sons. Then it seemed to spread out, no longer in the shape of a whirlwind but filling the whole upper atmosphere above the destroyed old house and I saw the butterflies being distributed in every direction until they were out of sight. Somehow I knew they were being carried by the wind of the Spirit to their specific appointed assignments.

Afterwards, I asked the Lord what the house represented. “It is the house of religion,” He replied. “It has become an empty shell, with the souls of dead men walking littering its porch as they lie about, indolent in the sunlight. These ones are of no use to My Kingdom. My wind has come for those in the upper room; those who have submitted to the process of experiencing My death; those who have been willing to enter the tomb of transformation and be set apart for My later purposes. They have been waiting patiently in prayer for me to come and release them and now is the time. I come to set them aflame with a double portion and a baptism of fire. I come to awaken and endue with garments of fire. I come to empower and release and open up the way for their flight to their assigned places in My end-time Kingdom plans.

I will remove the ceiling with which the house of religion has hemmed them in. I come to break off the words which have bound and imprisoned and cast off and set aside my jewels. I will open up the tombs sealed by the religious spirit and no manmade barrier will hold us back any longer. We will move together, My sons of fire and I, and vacate the premises of the place of preparation. The sky is the limit for My faithful ones. Spirit-led, Spirit-fed, flowing in a fiery anointing; the sons of the right hand are about to be released to take over their Father’s business.”

When I was searching for a picture of a white chrysalis, I came across this image and realized that the glass shards I saw which the Lord called a windchime were actually the butterfly chrysalises strung on a thread. It was these sleeping ones which were being moved ever so slightly and then more strongly by the approaching wind. In other words, in spite of being totally wrapped in grave shrouds, these saints within have become super sensitive to the moving of the Spirit. Even the slightest breeze is picked up by them and the glass shards tinkling and making a sound together speaks of the fellowship of these hidden saints in the Spirit.

I then discovered that this particular chrysalis belongs to the monarch butterfly. This speaks both a negative and positive prophetic meaning. Monarch conditioning was a tool used by the CIA to control people’s minds through abuse, drugs, isolation and deprivation.

Spiritually, this connects to what the Lord said about the religious spirit speaking words over His jewels which sealed their tombs so that they would never be able to be free of the limitations and control placed on them. In my vision, I saw the Holy Spirit come in power and completely destroy the power of those schemes against His saints.

In a positive prophetic sense, the word ‘monarch’ means ‘King’, so the release of these Monarch butterflies from their tombs speaks of the release of saints with a double portion of fiery Kingly anointing. As they are carried by the wind of the Spirit to their appointed places and assignments, they will operate in a ruling anointing, passing righteous judgments by the leading of the Spirit.

For the waiting ones in the upper room, prepare to receive your double portion anointing as the sons of the right hand.


John 3:8  The wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Romans 8:14  For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

Psalm 104:4  Who makes winds His messengers, flames of fire His ministers.

Isaiah 66:15  For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and His chariots will be like the stormy wind, to render His anger with fierceness, and His rebuke with flames of fire.

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